måndag, maj 21, 2007

Rolig konversation med en fransman (på engelska)

- Hey Nils! You live à la Croix-Rousse Non?
- Yes, that's right.
- It's good, la Croix-Rousse. Many beach.
- No no. There are no beaches at the Croix-Rousse.
- Yes many beach. Beach everywhere.
- I don't understand. I have never seen a beach on the Croix-Rousse.
- Oh Nils. You know the beach? La femme. Zee woman.
- Aaah, you mean a bitch?
- Yes yes, the beach. You have one?
- I have my girlfriend?
- Oooh, il faut plusieurs! Five - Six- Seven - Eight!


Anonymous Anonym said...

Hahaha, bästa jag har hört på länge! Publicera på tjuvlyssnat.se?

10:01 em  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Samma skamt funkar for den Indiska accenten, haha!


10:30 fm  

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